Fatuma (left) and Amina (right) are Kenyan and speak Swahili, Oromo, and English. Fatuma means "daughter of the prophet," and Amina means "blessing."
"Is that a 'khanga' you're wearing?" (trying to impress them with my new fashion knowledge from Said, the Kenyan woman I met a couple of weeks ago).
Amina, who lives in Atlanta, nodded yes, but Fatuma laughed and said, "No, this is just an old scarf!"
"Wait, so the 'khanga' is only the scarf? What is your dress called then (looking at Amina)?"
"Buibui," said Fatuma, who lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, and loves the cold weather.
"What religion are you?"
"What do you think?!" Fatuma teased.
"Well, I don't want to assume...but Muslim?"
Fatuma nodded and then I told her about the Catholic Indian lady in a sari from the other day.